Productivity in lockdown - Esterella

Productivity in lockdown

by - April 27, 2020

Graphic with coffee, pencil and books

I do want to make sure that my content is varied so not everything will be in relation to this pandemic, but as something that we are all affected by at the moment, I also want to be creating content that feels relevant. Relatable content that may bring some sort of comfort during what is a difficult time.

Being forced to slow down and having more time on our hands can be both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because having more time means that we can do more of the things we enjoy. But a curse because it can lead to the pressure to always be doing something and achieve lots. I have seen some influencers talk about this, but I have found that a lot of them in many ways are feeding into this pressure by constantly posting about "staying productive". 

I am not in any way knocking people who want to get things done - that is great and is also me at points. But, I think it becomes a very dangerous mindset to feel like because you have the time you need to be getting something done all of the time- whether it be personal projects, work-related or academic-related (as is in my case as a student). We all respond in different ways to a situation and even in this pandemic, whilst we are all going through it together, each one of us is in such different circumstances and has their own problems and personal issues to work through. 

We don't all need to smashing a To Do list every day and doing everything we haven't had time to do in the past. Sometimes it is just fine to get through the day - whilst we may have more time, we are also in living through something we have never lived before - our lives have drastically changed in a very short space of time. That can be difficult to get used to in itself without feeling the extra pressure to be doing it all now. 

I guess the bottom of line of what I am trying to say is - use this time to really check in with how you feel and respect whatever it is - if some days that means doing nothing so be it. If other days it is smashing a To Do list then perfect. These are crazy times and it can be really easy to let ourselves slip into a more negative place mentally or become more anxious and the last thing we need is to hold ourselves to unrealistic expectations. You don't need to be doing everything now- just getting through this is good enough in itself and something to be thankful for because not everyone will. 

Help keep me going 🙂
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