In a world driven by results, it is easy to get lost in whether you have reached a certain milestone or a particular figure. It can feel like it does not matter what effort or work we put in, if we missed the mark, we missed the mark. It can be all too easy to forget that our best is always good enough regardless of the result.
Sometimes you can be your own worst enemy and the things you tell yourself can hold you back. Changing a little how you view things can have a huge impact on how you feel and your motivation. Sometimes it can even impact the result. Here are a few tips to help you think and feel a little more positive.
The first thing to acknowledge with this is that it does not happen overnight and it is impossible to be positive all the time. It is normal to have more down days and not always feel positive. Achieving a more positive mindset happens gradually and it does not mean being positive all of the time. It is about having a more positive outlook on things most of the time.
I can't quite believe that I have had this blog for just over year. I did a post last year similar to this which is linked here. This is what I learnt from 2018 (well some of what I learnt - I learnt more than just 5 things, I promise 😉😂).
We all have insecurities, including the people we don't think do. Even people who appear arrogant are probably concealing their insecurity behind the lack of acceptance of any type of criticism. Everyone has areas that they feel less confident about. Don't stress and feel alone when you doubt yourself at times or sometimes feel more insecure - I actually think that a little bit of self-doubt is helpful. It keeps you growing and learning. But, if not kept in check, it can stop us from living our life to the fullest and enjoying activities we would without lots of insecurities running our minds. I hope that if you happen to stumble upon this post when you are having one of those days, this helps and makes you feel better.

Dear reader,
"You are not a mess, you are a feeling person in a messy world".
I have always been a person that keeps a diary- I go on and off it, but in the end, I always go back to it. Recently, after a while of not keeping one, I have gone back to it. A little bit of a different post, but here is how keeping a diary has helped and continues to help me.

Something that came to mind recently one night was how there are certain areas about myself that nobody really knows which led me to think about whether we even know everything about ourselves. Though I feel like yes we are the ones that know ourselves best for the most part- there are certain things that only you can know about yourself and no one else can. Do any of us really know absolutely everything about ourselves?
It is true that appearance isn't what is important and that it is inner beauty that counts. That being said, we cannot deny that as a society we do focus on appearance and we all care about how we look to an extent. Taking time to look put together can help you feel put together - how you look can impact how you feel.
Dear reader,
Most of us want direction. Sometimes we want to have everything worked out, but we can't because life is unpredictable.